Flank steak is a cut of beef steak taken from the flank, which lies forward of the rear quarter of a cow, behind the plate. Over the narrow sea, they're a little more specific and French butchers call it bavette, which means "bib". bavette is big on flavour and tender enough, as long as you don't overcook them and eat fresh off the griddle or barbecue. Unless you really like it blue, resting for more than a few minutes will toughen things up. I'm not doing much of a sales job here but in France, onglet and bavette are up there with the best. They should be here too!

Mix together all dry ingredients and sprinkle over the steak half an hour before cooking.
On a high heat, cook the steak for 4 minutes on each side.
For the herb sauce, start by pounding the garlic with a pinch of salt to a paste.
Add the herbs except the mint and continue pounding.
Add the mint last as it will begin to discolour.
Loosen with olive oil to desired consistency and our over steak.
Mix together all dry ingredients and sprinkle over the steak half an hour before cooking.
On a high heat, cook the steak for 4 minutes on each side.
For the herb sauce, start by pounding the garlic with a pinch of salt to a paste.
Add the herbs except the mint and continue pounding.
Add the mint last as it will begin to discolour.
Loosen with olive oil to desired consistency and our over steak.