Also new are Luis Gil Spanish Charcuterie. We’ve been selling their organic and very free range, jamon for years and became increasingly frustrated with the lack of provenance of non-organic Spanish pork products. We all know that Pata Negra pigs wander around the ‘dehasa’ eating acorns but they are a tiny percentage of Spanissh pigs. Spanish charcuterie is definitely top of the pops and having driven through areas of Spain where pigs are farmed intensively and whole valleys smell of the proverbial ___ ____, I thought it was high time we sorted out a better supply. Luis Gil, a family run business in Rioja, seem exemplary in every way – using no preservatives, gluten or lactose cultures and by buying direct, we can match the prices of the non-organic or free range charcuterie we were selling before. Have a look at their website (http://www.embutidosluisgil.com/en) for lots of pictures of smiling, happy pigs.