The new signs and website are up. Everything else is the same so I hope you’ll agree that it’s time to move on. On the subject of this website, is definitely our best so far and we’ve been through a few. We’re using a local company (Redpost Media) who actually hassle us for news etc so it’s not going to become an out of date, head in sand, dinosaur. It’s there for information only so if you want to know what we’re up to, keep checking back.
Out of the frying pan – into the fire. Hopefully we won’t still be confused with the business known as Riverford but could competition from another quarter be rearing its head? An eagle eyed friend of mine spotted this worthy local enterprise in the Newton Abbot area!
Apologies for the lack of vegetables, particularly salads, in the shops over Easter and throughout April. I’m not sure whether it’s inclement weather in Spain or the opposite here but the late winter/early spring hungry gap seems to be particularly pronounced this year.
However, spring is here. It might not feel like it once the sun has gone down but it has been a particular mild and dry couple of months. The Spanish winter might have disrupted supplies but all the signs are that we’re in for a good UK growing season (providing it rains) which is just what we need to ease the Brexit paranoia and food inflation. Pips (at Yealmpton) are already harvesting their asparagus and strawberries and we’ve had Jersey Colleen (poor man’s royal) new potatoes for the last three weeks. The normal annual flush of ‘primavera’ vegetables is just around the corner.