Christmas Goodies

With thirty three (and still counting) Christmas’s under our belt I’d like to think we’ve got it pretty well wrapped up. But there will always be something out there that we haven’t thought of– Heston/Waitrose’s bacon and banana trifle for example. Who would have thought it? Salted caramel might be all the rage but I don’t see salted pork as being a logical next step. Actually, the smoky bacon flavoured cream is mandatory– a sprinkling of crispy bacon lardons is optional. I’m sure it’s delicious but as thirteen became twenty three became thirty three I’ve stopped looking over my shoulder at what everyone else is doing and tried to concentrate on what we do best.

As I’ve said before, our kitchen has been busy turning out the ‘wonky little darling’ mince pies and there are also cakes, puddings, nut roasts, roast nuts, chocolate brownies, cranberry sauce, Boxing Day cranberry and port chutney, pork pies, country pates, almond cantuccini and our new chocolate and marmalade version etc etc. The chocolate and marmalade cantuccini really is good – another take on the chocolate and orange combo. I’m also pleased with our Christmas cakes. We have two versions; one naked and thirsty for you to take home and spoil (feed and decorate) and one with a cherry, nut and seed topping.

Christmas Puddings; traditional figgy, orange or vegan (all are wheat free). Made almost entirely from organic ingredients. 180g/450g/900g – £3.29/£7.49/£13.49.

Christmas Cakes; 1.2kg; naked & thirsty for you to ice (£15) or with a cherry, nut and seed topping christmas-cakes(£17.50)

Mince pies; as good as ever. Olive Magazines Best Luxury Mince Pie – £4.95 for 6

Chocolate brownies; in small trays. Good for tea or, heated up, as a simple pudding with ice cream – £3.99

Cantuccini; perfect dunkers – traditional almond or chocolate and orange £3.85/150g

Nut Roast; nuts, roast parsnips and Stilton all wrapped in a cabbage leaf – £5.95/400g

Country Pate; old favourite with Cumberland aspic jelly in for a slight sweet & sharp finish. Perfect for Boxing Day. Handy 500g size – £6.95

Turkey Stock; make Xmas dinner a bit easier or save it for a soup – £2.25 / 500ml

Cranberry sauce; simple but just tart enough to keep things fresh – £3.35

Cranberry and Port chutney: cranberries, port and all the Christmas spices. Perfect with a wedge of roastnutspork pie on Boxing Day – £4.60

The Captain’s Nuts; dangerously moreish nuts and seeds roasted with our curry paste and honey. 350g – £6.45/150g – £3.45

Cooked Ham; Cooking it yourself (see butchery below) gives you an extra hot shot but ready cooked is far easier and will last longer. Definitely best ordered.1-5kgs; Organic – £27 per kg/Free range – £17.95